how you can help

Urge Congress to Pass a Strong Farm Bill

Help combat hunger by advocating for a robust farm bill! A strong farm bill would include vital provisions such as increased nutrition and agriculture funding, maintaining USDA’s authority to support U.S. -grown food during market disruptions, and strengthening programs like The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) to meet rising food needs.
Send a letter

Maintain SNAP Benefits for All

SNAP is a lifeline for millions of Americans, including children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Reach out to your state legislator and tell them to protect SNAP benefits for all Kentuckians.

Support Farms to Food Banks

Help provide nutritious, locally grown produce to those in need by urging the Kentucky General Assembly to fund Farms to Food Banks. This initiative not only fights hunger but also promotes healthier eating habits, addressing chronic health issues prevalent among food-insecure households. Tell your state legislator to support Farms to Food Banks.